26 Aug Introducing the amazing worlds to explore in The Smurfs – Dreams!
On October 24, the Smurfs will be back on PC and consoles with The Smurfs – Dreams: a new adventure where our little friends visit worlds each more incredible than the last. Find out more in this article…
Brand new sets for the Smurfs franchise
In The Smurfs – Dreams, get ready to discover worlds you’ve never seen before. You’ll be leaving the forest to enter the dreams of several Smurfs who have been put to sleep by Gargamel! For Ocellus Studio, the game’s creator, the dream concept is the perfect opportunity to offer settings that are truly out of the ordinary. “Dreams represent the epitome of creative freedom, the place where we can come up with the most outlandish and magical ideas,” reveals Art Director Jordan Parrin. “The constraints of reality no longer exist; we can defy the laws of physics, make objects infinitely large or small, and so much more besides.”
The amazing worlds you’ll be able to explore in The Smurfs – Dreams are:
- Chef Smurf’s dream. He’s the one who’s passionate about culinary delights, and loves to cook for the whole village. So, not unsurprisingly, his dream is all about food, and above all about desserts. Here, the snow is whipped cream and the lava, caramel. The problem is, the Smurfs are desperate to devour this deliciously sweet decor. Your job is to bring them to their senses, by venturing to the terrifying Bigmouth’s house to retrieve a special ingredient.
- Smurfette’s dream. She’s not just the only girl in the village, she also has a dark past, having been originally created by Gargamel to wreak havoc. So, her dream expresses this dual identity, offering a green and pleasant, flower-filled land, which at any moment could ‘slip away’ and turn into a dark and desolate landscape. Our mission is to reconcile these two worlds, which make up the complex nature of Smurfette.
- Vanity Smurf’s dream. This quirky character is fascinated by beauty, especially his own and is constantly admiring himself in the mirror! In his dream, which takes place above the clouds, everything is wonderfully elegant: a place of gilding, mosaics, marble and statues. “This was my favorite world to work on,” confides Jordan Parrin, “Because it allowed me to draw on multiple influences in the history of art, such as the Baroque and Art Nouveau movements.”
- … and there’s one last mysterious world. We won’t reveal who this dream belongs to, but as you may have glimpsed in the trailers, this one is altogether more sinister and nightmarish, complete with dungeons and poisonous swamps… Aaaahh! 😬 Find out more when you play the game on October 24.

A commitment to remain faithful to the films and to interactivity
As you will see, with this new episode, Ocellus Studio has sought to plunge players into unexpected worlds. But that’s not all! The sets will also be as close as possible to the visual quality of the animated films. “Thanks to Unreal Engine 5, and our experience with Marsupilami – Hoobadventure, we’ve been able to take things as far as possible, particularly with regard to lighting and the number of Smurfs on screen,” comments Jordan Parrin.
Another point that sets the environments apart is their liveliness and rich animation. Players will often come across Smurfs squabbling, chatting or fishing, and they’ll be able to say hello to them. There will also be numerous interactions with the sets such as a flower that produces musical notes and a sign that turns on itself when you bump into it, among others. “When the world reacts to our presence in a game, it is all the more rewarding and immersive,” observes Jordan.
Fancy exploring the different worlds of The Smurfs – Dreams? Smurf this game to your wishlist now onSteam, Epic Games Store and PlayStation Store to be sure not to miss its release!