16 Dec Metal Mutation is joining Microids Indie, and will launch on Steam February 23 2023
Microids is delighted to announce that the roguelike/dungeon crawler Metal Mutation, created by T0 Studio, is joining Microids Indie’s label. The game will launch on February 23rd 2023 on PC (Steam).
Microids Indie is a publishing label which wants to accompagny indie studios and developers lauching their games.
About Metal Mutation :
Metal Mutation is an action/roguelike/dungeon crawler taking place in a near cyberpunk future, where corporations and technologies have taken over. A metallic mutation is spreading all across the population, and it’s your job, as a cyborg helped by an IA, to solve the problem and defeat gangs of enemies in some mind blowing isometrical 3D environments.
Eliminate your enemies with various customizable weapons, upgrade your character after every run and create your own playstyle!
Will you succeed?
Main features :
- A roguelike game where customization is key – In Metal mutation, death is just a setback. Upgrade your character, custom your arsenal, and think smart about your progression to win.
- Varied skills and elements– Discover multiple weapons, combine elements and skills to create your own playstyle
- A stylized Cyber-World – Inspired by blade runner, explore a cyberpunk world ravaged by companies and technological ambition.
- A unique online coop mode – Get to The Shelter and fight hordes of enemies with 3 other players. Gather resources as a group, learn enemies’ patterns to prepare yourself to get back into the main adventure.